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ARM Processor Basic
Published: June-2010
ARM Tutorial, ARM Guide, ARM Basics, ARM Development Tools, RTOS for ARM, ARM market share, ARM Presentation
ARM microprocessors have very large space in handheld market. Lot of products like mobile phone, compact software defines radios etc is using ARM processor. ARM now days has come up with Cortex architecture which give high performance at low power consumption. ARM processors are well supported by Linux. You can easily find linux board support package for ARM9 and onwards processors. For ARM7 processor uClinux can be easily ported. ARM development tools are also available in the market. GNU tools are also supporting ARM. Lot of development boards are also available in the market. This presentation describes ARM processor basics and different tools available for ARM. Hope this will be useful for all.

This tutorial gives a brief comparison among different classic microprocessor families like 8085, 8086, 80186, Zilog 80 and Motorola 6800 processor.
8085 is considered as entry gate for learning of microcontrollers. In universities 8085, 8086 is the part of course. Hope that this will be useful for all.
Date of Publish: July-2010
Embedded Linux, Linux BSP, Board Support Package, How to search Linux BSP, Linux Kernel Tree, Embedded Linux Development Guide
Embedded Linux application development is very easy if you have all necessary tools. If you want to use open source tools then this situation is if not easy to find all tools at single platform (if you are not using paid software). In this article I tried to collect information of all tools on a single platform and giving information to you ...
Freescale is starting a new family named as Kinetis. This family is designed around ARM Cortex M4 core. Freescale has revealed this family with K10, K20, K30, K40 and K60 Members.
K10 is entry point in this family. K10 is mixed signal processor aimed for low power and high performance controlling applications. With DSP core present in Kinetis, makes it suitable in Motor control application also. Because this is mixed signal processor and has FlexMemory also.
We are starting this new series in which we will be publishing microprocessor or microcontroller information in the tabular form. We will try to cover all newly released processors and possibly existing one also. Idea behind this is to bring processor features in short form and comparable format
Date of Publish: July-2010
Freescale Kinetis Processors, Microprocessor Card, New Processors, ARM Cortex M4
Comparison Between Microprocessors 8085, 8086, 8088, 80186, MC6800 and Zilog80
Published: June-2010
Compare between 8085 and 8086, Compare between 8051 and MC6800, Compare between 8086 and 80386, Compare between 8086 and 8088